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Custom labels from Minted

Get Organized With Custom Labels from Minted

Spring is in full swing, although in Vancouver it’s feeling more like Summer, it’s so warm! This time of year I love to freshen up my space, clean and dust everything, get rid of things I don’t need and most of all, get organized. I’ve recently discovered new custom labels from to help me get organized.

Minted‘s new labels are pre-designed but you can customize text and colours. They’re durable and a perfect way to customize and label containers, sports equipment, toys and even clothing. The labels are waterproof, non-toxic, laundry and dishwasher safe. Below are a few of my favorites, you can see that I’ve customized them in various ways and all it takes is a few clicks on their website, super easy!

Custom labels from Minted

You can label your children’s clothing, lunch containers, bags and so much more. I don’t have children so I’m thinking of ways I can use them for myself.Read More »Get Organized With Custom Labels from Minted