One of the best moments when hunting for furniture on craigslist, thrift stores or the side of the road, is when you come across a matching piece to a previous project. This side table matches a dresser I previously blogged about. It has the same awesome diamond shaped hardware, I just wish I had a pair of them, but one is better than none!
Here’s that previously updated dresser:
The before of the matching vintage side table:
This vintage side table was patched with wood filler wherever it was needed and then it was sanded all over.
The entire piece was primed with CIL Smart3, several thin coats are the best way to achieve a nice surface to apply the finished coat.
I used Benjamin Moore Advance in Mantis Green and Snowfall White for the top coat. The hardware was treated the same way, only because it was a flat surface, otherwise I’d likely use spray paint. I used a foam roller and rolled on primer in thin coats and once that was dry I applied the top coat in 2 thin coats.
Here’s the final results: