After searching online for the perfect way to hide my various computer cords and cables I just didn’t find the solution I was looking for until I was browsing IKEA for shelves for my bathroom and thought their white metal MALMBACK shelf could work! It’s cheap enough that if it didn’t work I could use it somewhere else or just sell it and I liked that if it wasn’t working long term it wasn’t specifically for holding computer cords like these brackets, rather it’s just a white shelf that can be used in any space.

Turns out the IKEA Malmback shelf was perfect, but you’re wondering how? Well, you just mount the shelf to the wall slightly below the underside of your desk and then place all your cords and cables on it. I have a power bar to prevent my computer from exploding if there’s ever a power outage, so the power bar just sits on the shelf along with any power packs. I later realized you could even put a small hard drive on it. The shelf is deep enough and long enough, unlike most of those standard cord organizers.

From a distance you can’t see the shelf because it’s high enough under the desk and the shelf isn’t that deep so you don’t hit your knees on it. It’s been a great solution considering my desk is right in the middle of our open loft kitchen living space area. It makes it so much easier to vacuum the floors now. The only thing I can’t hide is the white extension cord that comes from the power bar, because I don’t have a plug under my desk, so the cord runs along the under side of my desk to the plug behind a cabinet, in general this is a huge improvement.
Here’s how all the cords looked before:

Here’s another look at the after, cords hidden, floor space open: